Councillor Jonathan Wheeler, Nottinghamshire County Councillor for West Bridgford South, was delighted to arrange for Pierrepont Gamston School's year six class, to Visit County Hall this month. The visit was paid for out of his Divisional Community fund, and allowed the children to enjoy a buffet lunch, followed by a tour of County Hall. Everyone then ended up in the Council Chamber, for a Q and A session with the Chairman of the Council and Cllr Wheeler.
It it was a fantastic day, and Jonathan was full of praise for the children and chairman of the council. 'The day was amazing, the children were very well behaved and asked some great questions, they certainly had me and the Chairman concentrating on our answers! I am glad I was able to sort the funding, and I thank the Chairman for his time, and the school for attending, I do hope to be able to arrange more visits with other schools in my area.'