We were extremely disappointed that the Labour Group at Rushcliffe Borough Council voted AGAINST the Conservative Group's motion calling for more powers to stop car cruising.
Conservative led (RBC) has called on the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to request that the Government instigates new legislation surrounding car cruising meetings and gatherings. This issue affects all of Rushcliffe, especially Bingham, Edwalton and East Leake and the surrounding villages.
Rob Inglis, our Cabinet Member who proposed the motion (seconded by Cllr Parekh) said: “The Borough along with other parts of the County is often affected by what are commonly known as car meets or cruisers.
“These gatherings are a cause of significant concern to many residents and constitute Anti-Social Behaviour making them a risk to public safety.
“The current road traffic laws cover some aspects of this issue but are not sufficient in prevention of the problems. Therefore we need the support of central government to give Police, ourselves and partners the right tools to tackle the problem."